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Selectmen's Minutes - February 23, 1993
February 23, 1993               Present:  James Haggerty
                                                        Judith Murdoch
                                                        Robert Crowley
                                                        Robert Andrews - 7:45
                                                        Joseph Frisoli

Chairman addressed the Library Trustees who were in attendance as well as the Library Director.  Similar to previous department budget discussions, the Chairman asked Mrs. Finn if she would review their budget for the Board and the Board would ask questions.  Mrs. Finn proceeded to discuss the overall Library budget and turned the presentation of the budget to Barbara Ramey, Director who explained that there was an increase in the budget based on several issues. They asked for an additional part time employee and secondly they had to increase the amount for the purchase of books per State law governing libraries.  She explained that the usage of the library is up over 60% since the new building was opened and there is a demand on staffing.  She requested that the Board support the Library Trustees by renegotiating the position of Assistant Library Director currently under the Clerical Contract and funding that position for full time under the Selectmen's Clerical budget.  Her recommendation was to fund that position at a grade 9, 11.34 an hour which would be approximately 20,500 per year.  If this is done, then the Library budget could be reduced by eliminating the request for the part time person.  She also addressed the fact that in the past two fiscal years the Library Trustees have expended approximately 40,100 from the Tolman fund for Library uses such as the purchase of books and equipment.  The Chairman quoted the exact figure spent and stated that he too had looked at that issue.  After comments from Board members, the Chairman stated that the Board would be reviewing this budget along with all the other budgets over the next few weeks and speak with the Fin Com at a later date.   

Chairman read letter from Hanson Rod and Gun Club requesting starting times for their May June and September events as well as their annual fishing derby, which is co-sponsored with the Rotary Club.  Mr. Crowley asked that in keeping with his position on the issue, Mr Andrews split his motion.  First motion to deal with the shooting events.  Mr. Andrews moved the Board grant the request for the Hanson Rod and Gun club for 10:00 a.m. starting times on May 23, June 6 and September 26.  2nd Frisoli.  4-1 vote (Crowley opposed).  Mr. Andrews moved that the Board grant the petition for the use of Town Hall grounds August 29, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m for annual fishing derby and barbecue.  Mrs Murdoch 2nd.  5-0.

Motion by Andrews, 2nd Frisoli to grant the Colonial Retriever Field Trial requests for permission to discharge firearms during field trials, Sunday April 18 and May 9.  4-1 vote.  (Crowley opposed)

Motion by Andrews, 2nd Frisoli to grant the request of Eastern Utilities for one proposed joint pole to be relocated on Whitman St.  5-0  Also the Board would like to contact McKeon from Telephone co. and ask her to come in next week concerning telephone poles.  

Motion by Crowley, 2nd Murdoch to appoint Bernard Delory as Special Police Officer.  5-0 vote.  This is supported by a letter from the police chief.

Chairman noted Plymouth County Selectmen's Assoc. meeting, Saturday March 6, Halifax Country Club - breakfast meeting.  Mrs. Murdoch will attend on behalf of the Board.  

Selectmen met with the Water Commissioners and Treasurer/Collector concerning quarterly billing.  Board read a memo from the T/C outlining her concerns, the impact on her office, and the impact for postage.  Board discussed the T/C impact and mentioned the recommendations made by the Exec. Sec. at a previous meeting and if she had considered those.  She stated she had and the impact she had described would be an additional impact.  The Board asked if the Town is reimbursed for current employees at the Town Hall which work on Water issues.  Both the Treasurer/Collector and Town Accountant stated that the Town is reimbursed for postage, however benefits are only back charged for the individual water dept. employees.  There is a small sum of money backcharged for other associated costs concerning water billing.  The clerical line is not reimbursed.  The Board asked if this would be possible and the Exec. Sec. stated if the Selectmen recommend additional hours in the clerical line, in order to accomplish the quarterly billing, and the water dept. was willing to offset those costs, it would be possible.  The Exec. Sec. mentioned that currently the Treasurers office staff had been cut from 28 hours to 7 hours.  The hours had been raised to 14 hours and after reviewing the work loads in the office, it was his recommendation that office should have 18 hours of work in addition to the other two full time employees.  He stated that if the Board sees fit to support this issue, that he would recommend that 12 hours be added to the 18 hour position and the Water Dept. would be backcharged accordingly for salary and proportionate benefits.  Water Dept. agreed with this concept and began discussion concerning billing.  They would like to do the billing off their computer, in house.  Ms. McCormack stated that in the past the bills prepared by the service bureau.  The Water Dept. submits to her a commitment.  The Water Dept. stated that the same commitment would still be presented and they would present the same bills now being done by the service bureau since they have the computer to do this, they fail to understand why they should have to pay several thousand dollars a year for something they can do in house.  They also mentioned that they need their viewing access from their computer to McCormack's to determine what bills are paid or not.  Currently they do not know who has paid, and who has not.  They would in turn incur the costs for linking the computers together through some type of modem.  They would also incur the costs of any additional hardware that needed to be set up concerning this.  It was agreed by the Board of Selectmen, T/C and Water Dept. that both Ms. McCormack and Water Dept. would iron out the particulars in order to start quarterly billing at the next fiscal year.

Michael Putnam did not appear.  In the future if anyone wishes to solicit the Town, the information must be in writing prior to making an appointment with the Board.

The Board discussed Snow St.  Building Inspector, Robert Grover, stated to the Board that on numerous occasions he has inspected the Andrews property on Snow St.  It is his opinion that no zoning violation exists.  He stated that both he and Exec. Sec. had visited the property that day and failed to find any evidence of zoning violations.  He stated that there is some debris on Mr. Andrews site as well as on some Town property which it is his understanding Mr. Andrews has agreed to burn as soon as the weather clears.  Mr. Alan Dias stated that since Mr. Bonney's letter not only addressed the issue of the saw mill, that the wood that still remained on the site being a product of that operation in his eyes still constituted continuing zoning violations.  After much discussion and points of clarification being made by all parties, it was agreed that the Board consider this to be a closed issue, no zoning violation is ongoing, and that the Board would monitor the cleanup of the Town property.  Mr. Grover reiterated the process which Mr. Dias could follow if he wished to pursue this further.  Mr. Nugent also indicated to the Board members that any discussions with Mr. Andrews concerning the road layout of Snow St. and land swaps should take into consideration the content of the fill currently sitting on Mr. Andrews property, which may or may not contain asphalt.  

Board reviewed the budget tracking system.  Mr. Frisoli presented the reports on the police, highway, town hall and fire.  There were several points of clarification made and discussion surrounding each budget took place.  Chairman thanked Mr. Frisoli and Fin. Coml. for reviewing the budget tracking.  It was agreed that with the close of February, the March budget tracking sheets should give the Board a fair indication financially of where we are.  

Board discussed approval of the Dispatch protocol, at which point Mr. Andrews read a letter from Judith Hatch concerning her non-involvement in the protocol process.  It was agreed the Board of Selectmen prior to accepting the protocol would set up negotiations with Mrs. Hatch concerning the protocol, impact bargaining, and the Dispatching contract.  The Board tentatively set a date of Monday, March 1 at 7:00 p.m.

Exec. Secretary reminded the Board that they have to set salaries for elected officials and should plan on this on March 2.

Commented on letter received from the Recreation Commission.  He spoke to the issue of notification of departments and stated that in August 31 a brief memo went out to all Hanson Dept. Heads indicating that a meeting of Dept. Heads would be held on September 16.  He stated that it has been common practice for many years to place these types of notifications in the mail slots of all depts in the Town Hall hallway.  Those depts. not receiving mail at that spot are generally notified by written mail.  He feels the same procedure was followed.  He also indicated that the issue surrounding dept. head meetings have been discussed several times at Selectmen's meetings and at discussion meetings of various boards and committees in the Town.  He admitted that he explained at the dept. head meetings he would not chase people to attend and it was assumed that those depts. that did not attend, decided against it.  

He asked the Board to postpone the warrant of the annual Town Meeting for one week.  Motion by Andrews, 2nd by Murdoch, 5-0 vote.  Warrant will close on March 9.

Board notified that has received request from Clerical Union to commence negotiations.  Chairman asked each member be given a copy of the clerical contract for comment on issues of concern.  Exec. Sec. asked who the subcommittee would be negotiating.  Mr. Frisoli and Mr. Andrews.  

Mr. Andrews questioned the status of the appraisal process on Thomas Hall.  Exec. Sec. responded by stating that an appraisal had been submitted to the Library Trustees.  he read through it, spoke with the Chairman of the Trustees and both were in agreement that the appraisal was inadequate and not acceptable.  It was sent back to the appraisal company.  The appraisal company then submitted what can be termed as n opinion of value.  Again the Chairman of the Library Trustees shared this with Mr. Nugent and both parties agreed that it was still inadequate.  Mr Nugent responded to the appraisal company with a letter which is in the current mail and the Library is currently waiting for the appraisal company's response.  Ms. Kuchinski asked the Board to share the information that they receive with the Thomas Hall Committee.  She informed the Board that she was speaking as Chairman of the Committee and felt they had a right to see that information.  The Exec. Sec. reminded Ms. Kuchinski that the appraisal and any scope of services which was established for the appraisal were not the responsibility of the Board and she should direct her questions toward the Library Trustees.  Chairman informed Ms. Kuchinski that the Thomas Hall Study Committee has a Liaison Rep. to Library Trustees as well as to the Board and if the Trustees or the Board of Selectmen liaison are not informing the Thomas Hall Study Committee of the status of these issues, then they should request it by their own committee.  Mr. Haggerty also indicated that the appraisal, when it is accepted may be considered non public due to the pending litigation with the Atty. General's office.  The Board will clarify that issue at the appropriate time.   

Chairman asked for the Exec. Sec. to put together copies of job descriptions and evaluation form for both the Police Chief and his position and put those in the box for the Selectmen.  

Board voted to enter exec. session under #3, negotiations, motion by Andrews, 2nd Murdoch.  roll call vote, 5-0.

Motion by Crowley, 2nd Frisoli, 4-0 to adjourn.  10:20 p.m.

Robert Crowley, Clerk